Posted by: Shannon | June 12, 2011

3 Ways Being an Au Pair will Look Fantastic on your CV or Resume

Let’s not kid.  The economy is tough right now, no matter what country you live in.

Recent graduates make up desperate, resume-weilding mobs vying for the few good entry level positions out there.

It is imperative to have an edge to face up to the competition.

Enter the former au pair.  She is worldly, poised, and able to dismantle a temper tantrum in 10 seconds flat.

Think you’re just taking a year off to drink wine in Paris and get your fashion on?  Well, yeah, you are, but you are also grooming yourself to knock the socks off of your future interviewers!

At the end of this joy ride, you will have three things under your belt that your competitors won’t be able to out-stage with all the internships under the sun.

1. Cultural Perspective

Didn’t learn German while knocking back lager in Munich?  That’s okay.  Whether you meant to or not, you learned how to interact with German people.  And you found out first-hand what it’s like to be a foreigner.

This type of cultural sensitivity and grip on the barriers between countries is something employers are always looking for, especially if they do business internationally.

2. Mad Nanny Skills

You know how to keep someone else’s schedule, how to mediate an argument, and how to make four cheese toasties while reciting all the best jokes from Le Spongebob in your best Patrick voice.

It’s true that you’ll only need two of those three things, but those are absolutely imperative skills for a white collar job.  Scheduling, organization, and the ability to mediate and work as a team are what employers are looking for, and you’ve got it.  In spades.

3. The X Factor

Call it drive, ambition, or versatility.  It doesn’t matter what title you give it, what it ultimately comes down to is that instead of the same town six times in a row on your CV, you’ve got Tuscany or Barcelona on there.

You packed up your things and flew halfway around the world because it was what you wanted to do.  Your employer will see this and know that you are not an individual who will fall asleep at the desk or quit if things get challenging.


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